Saturday, March 25, 2017

Why eat local?

If you are reading this, chances are you already know the benefits of buying food from local vendors when you visit the Menominee County Farm & Food Exchange.

You know that…

Local food is fresher and more flavorful. In most cases, the produce at our market was picked within the day before sale. No cross-country travel for our fruits and vegetables! Because of this, it’s also more nutritious.

Buying local enables you to learn from growers how the food was grown. Our growers will happily talk to you about their produce and sometimes even share favorite recipes. Same goes for the vendors who offer honey, wine, baked goods and other products for sale at the M&M Farmers Market.

Locally-produced food is safer. The fewer steps between harvest and your market basket mean fewer opportunities for contamination.

Eating locally allows you to eat seasonally, savoring strawberries in mid-summer and chomping on apples in October. Eating seasonal foods offers another way to enjoy each of our four seasons. Of course, you can always freeze summer produce to enjoy all year long.

Eating locally helps support the local economy. The money you spend is in turn spent close to home by people you know. Your local food purchase also helps maintain local farmland and green space.

If you know someone who’s not convinced, just print this article and hand it to them. Make ‘em believe!

Source: Michigan State University Extension

Friday, March 24, 2017

Who are we and what do we offer you?

Just what is the Menominee County Farm & Food Exchange?

We are a group of local growers, small-batch food and beverage makers, artisans, craftspeople and community volunteers who believe in the many benefits of eating and buying local.

We bring you the weekly M&M Farmers Market (and the annual Old World Christmas Market).

On a typical Saturday, you'll find us offering baked goods, locally-brewed specialty coffee, honey, jam, syrup, noodles, eggs, chicken, and in growing season - which has been extended thanks to hoop houses - onions, garlic, shallots, leeks, greens, potatoes, carrots, beets, beans, broccoli, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, squash, pumpkins, apples, berries and much more. Our vendors also offer fabric items, from purses and diaper bags to rag rugs. We have several vendors who sell wooden items, such as bowls, birdhouses and cutting boards. Other vendors offer locally-produced soaps, creams and lotions.

Come visit us, 9 a.m. to noon. We're currently inside the Mighty Pet entrance, east of the clock tower at M&M Plaza. Come May, we'll move outside to the other end of the mall, near the entrance to Jack's Fresh Market.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Join a growing farmers market!

The Menominee County Farm & Food Exchange, established in 2013, is composed of growers, small-batch food makers, craftspeople and community volunteers. Together we provide a weekly venue for the sale of local products directly to consumers.

Our market is held Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon at the M&M Plaza in Menominee.

Through this market and our annual Old World Christmas Market, we promote locally grown products while providing a vibrant community gathering place.

Our vendors bring homegrown vegetables, fruit and herbs as well as farm-raised poultry and meat, eggs, coffee, honey, jams, baked goods, and wine to the market. They are joined by local craftspeople who offer homemade soaps and lotions, woodcrafts, jewelry and much more.

We are seeking farmers, avid gardeners, small food producers, hobbyists, and entrepreneurs to join us. Ideal candidates make, grow, raise, or somehow enhance what they sell.

Some items sold, subject to approval, may be from other local producers or they may be items related to your primary product if state law allows.

One of our goals is to help people find fresh, local food. The market facilitates various food and local food-access programs. Participation is encouraged but voluntary. If you sell food items you will definitely benefit: One farmer reported 40% of 2016 sales were the result of food-access programs!

Please note: Food products from Wisconsin home kitchens are not allowed at Michigan markets under the Michigan Cottage Food Law. 

In late 2016, we moved our market to the M&M Plaza, a centrally located shopping venue established in 1967. During cold weather (November through April), we are located east of the clocktower, inside the Mighty Pet entrance.

During warmer weather, usually May through October, we are located outside Jack’s Fresh Market.

If you are a grower, producer, food artisan or craftsperson who seeks a venue for selling your product, please visit us on market day, call us at (906) 639-3377, or email us at for more information.